Tuesday 17 November 2015


Hello lovers,

Todays post is just a random quick thought for many self-critics, like myself , dont get me wrong, its not totally a bad thing to self-doubt, to critisize one'self , and more often  self critic are very hard on themselves... This is ok, but there is a time to stop and reflect. This should not be confused for self esteem, totally different!.... Where was i?  Yeaaaa 😀

You are exactly where you need to be.

Nobody is where they want to be when they first begin.as we go through  our lives and as we really start to initiate our real lives, a life filled with making moves towards becoming a success and maintaining levels of happiness, we soon realise that getting to our dream is a step by step process.

No one can go through life and maintain a successful happiness without maintaining the deligent 'be yourself mindset'  throughout it.

Remember that each day is a new day and instill in your mind that though you may not necessarily be where you want to be , at least you are making strides towards becoming the person that you trully want to become.

Take each step as it comes and live everyday as best as you can, this might be the oldest of cliches but the truest. Eventually you will be at the top of each mountain you attempted to climb , keep pushing. Theres always a light at the end of every tunnel.

Love and Light... X

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